Tuesday, September 23, 2014


Having trouble with the taxman (IRS) can be very frustrating especially when you have no experience in dealing with tax matters, or have no idea where to begin. Every year, millions of Americans often find themselves in trouble with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) but do not know how to handle the situation. While most cases can easily be solved in no time, others are complex and require someone with thorough background knowledge on the subject to help.

Below is how to overcome spouse tax debt relief.

When confronted with complex tax matters, it is advisable to seek professional help from Advance Tax Relief LLC as soon as possible. Waiting longer may only land you into more trouble than you already are in. As a debt relief company, Advance Tax Relief will help you –as a consumer – to deal with spouse tax debt relief. Dealing with marriage, divorce, and separation is enough headache already and adding your spouse’s tax debt is a different matter altogether.

Even if your marriage does not turn out as expected, you do not have to keep paying for every single mistake caused by marriage and divorce or separation. Luckily, even the IRS understands this and has a Relief provision in place for spouses not directly responsible for this kind of debt (otherwise known as IRS Innocent Spouse Relief).

Before you decide to pursue this option, it is perhaps important to first determine if you will qualify for this type of arrangement. An Advance Tax Agent will help you determine if there is a possibility of pursuing this option. Requesting IRS Innocent Spouse Relief, for example, means that you are applying to be relieved of paying your spouse’s tax burden, including penalties and interest accrued if your spouse failed to file proper tax returns.

If this is determined to be the case, the IRS will then assess all of taxes owed to the spouse responsible, including penalties. You may be eligible for several years of spouse tax debt relief. Either way, qualifying for this type of tax relief or negotiating your way through it is not an easy task. That is why you need professional help. Advance Tax will not only help you determine the eligibility requirements, but also guide you through the process to successfully receive this spouse tax debt relief. Among other factors, we will help you evaluate the many variables that determine your eligibility for qualification for this kind of tax relief. It is important that you do this with the help of a professional so that you get all that you are entitled to.

"My husband lost his job and the IRS was garnishing my wages. I called advance tax relief for help, my wage garnishment was released and we settled with the IRS for $1,200 on a $48k debt. Our family is very grateful" - Shirley W, Tampa FL.

No more sleepless nights. Call Advance Tax Relief at (800)790 8574 or contact us via our website www.advancetaxrelief.net

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Hundreds of Happy Clients Nationwide

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